Friday, March 23, 2007

Playing to Type...So What

Reliability can be very reassuring. Except for a brief disorienting period when the "triangulators" were in power in the '90s the Democrats can always be counted on to lay claim to the fruits of your labors. All the progress, however slight, made by the Republicans in turning back the ever-growing tax burden will be reversed soon. And the justification will go as follows: We can't entertain tax cuts because we are so concerned about the budget deficit. Not concerned enough to decrease spending, mind you, only concerned enough to not reduce taxes. And, thus, a stereotype is, yet again, affirmed.

There is nothing here that is insightful or even controversial. It all simply serves to set up my real point. These are sad times for small government advocates. The Democrats are giving us just what we'd expect - higher taxes and no brakes on government sprawl. And the Republicans only value is that at times they seem willing to slow down this rapid government growth if only slightly. So how is a small government leaning citizen to vote? My tactic has always been to vote Republican because even though you most likely won't get the low taxes and small government that you hope for, at least there's a chance. And you know for certain that you'll get just the opposite from the Democrats. But this is not a strategy for a successful realization of my Live Free or Die Americanism. So there must be another way. Perhaps the great minds that flock to H-Blog can offer one up.


The Unknown Blogger said...

Join me in the Libertarian Party. Together we can rule the universe (if the "universe" was 50 people staying at the Boise Holiday Inn and eating at Cracker Barrel).

First step, as always, is to ignore party. If neither candidate fits the your small government ethos, then don't vote for the GOP just because. Vote for anyone else, even if it hands the Dems the win. The GOP will eventually get the message and get back to its roots, and the Dems win will be short lived (unless they are part of the minority of Dems that understand economics and manages to keep spending down - they do exist).

That and you have to start caring about the periphery issues that don't directly affect your choices (freedom) but affect others. Because you can bet that the government will eventually get around to your choices. Think of things like torture, mary J, warrantless wire tapping, etc as canaries in the great mine of Democracy.

Muscles for Justice said...

People expect to be taken care of, and the major parties are only too happy to oblige, for prices that, once paid, cannot easily be refunded.

It's a Big World after all, but you can do your small part: BLOG!