Saturday, March 10, 2007

Creepy Idea of the Year Award Nominee

South Carolina Sen. Ralph Anderson (D) is pushing legislation offering it's prisoners the chance to reduce their jail time? How you ask? All they have to do is give up an organ or two. The value of the organ? 180 days. The extra creepy part? The rest of the SC gang is all for it. This bill could pass, the only hang up is a Federal Law that prohibits "valuable consideration" for your organs.

I'm honestly too disturbed by this to offer up any snarky comments. I would love to pull some of the quotes and have fun with them, but this whole concept is so creepy that I just can't come up with anything.


Kaimor said...

Hi ! Nice blog. I've got a couple of my own: and It would be great to exchange links with you.

StalinMalone said...

What a boon for Hydrablog! Clearly the synergies between fresh political debate and exotic bikinis will be through the roof. Let's get on this right away.

I'd also like to recommend promotional photos of each Hydrablog contributor wearing his own exotic bikini. I'm sure our newest partner will include those photos on his site as well.