Wednesday, March 21, 2007

McCain Channels Dole on HIV Protection

Presidential hopeful John McCain says he's not sure if condoms help stop the transmission of STD's. I get that he's trying real hard to be the darling of the NeoGOP and push the "abstinence is all" dogma, but if he's really not sure of condom's value in preventing STD's, then one has to wonder if he really is too out of touch with things to be President.

Or it may be that he's been pushed into the "uh-oh, the group that backs me is gonna hate the truth on this, so I better dodge/lie here" corner that claimed former Senate Majority Leader Doctor Bill "You can get AID's through tears" Frist, and former Presidential hopeful Bob "Some people say milk is bad for you" Dole.

Look, I get that running a campaign and being loyal to your donors is hard. But at some point, you have to weigh looking stupid against irking your sponsors, er...donors.

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