Saturday, November 18, 2006

Bush's weird comparison between Iraq and Vietnam

Much has been said about W's trip to Vietnam. But what I don't get is why he thinks drawing comparison's with Iraq is any kind of good idea. Sure he says Vietnam is a lesson in patience, and that we need patience in Iraq, but at the end of the day Vietnam was the ultimate cut-and-run and the feared domino affect never dominoed. We left, Asia didn't fall under Soviet Control, and now Vietnam has one of the fastest growing economies in the world. So...cut-and-run, no feared result, big payoff. Great analogy W.

To me, he should be avoiding any comparisons period. None are good, none suit his goals, and none work. His message should be that we can forgive, move on and develop normal relations with former enemies (The GOP was wrong to withdraw the Vietnam Bill - here's some back story). A message like that, aimed at the greater Middle East region, may help mollify all parties. But for crying out loud, quit forcing an Iraq/Vietnam link.


Muscles for Justice said...

The hell with Vietnam, but yeah, of all the things to say . . .

Muscles for Justice said...

The above's too broad a brush with which to paint a nation, which of course is, as we all are, much more than its government. My apologies.