Monday, November 20, 2006

Dem's plan for Iraq immerging

Looks like the fog is lifting from the Dem's pre-election "plan" for Iraq, and a real strategy is starting to form.

Clearly, like any good strategy for dealing with a controversial and convoluted issue, it should get right to the meat with a plan that will deliver immediate results, clear up confusion, and get people moving in one direction.

But since it's the Democrats we're talking about let's see what they have in store. To me, so far it looks like a two pronged attack that hinges on:

Getting rid of "Don't ask don't tell."

Re-instituting the Draft.

Look, I'm not saying both of those issues aren't worth discussing. But now? Now? Now's the best time to bring these up?

So just after an election where the Dem's claimed that their victory came from moving to the middle, they lead with gays in the military and the draft. I'm not sure what "middle" they're talking about and I don't recall hearing anyone talking about either before the election. Actually, I take that back. I do remember hearing people talking about a draft, but mostly in the "Oh man what a disaster that would be" vein. Don't they remember how Clinton was hammered on the gays in the military issue? Folks think leading with that was the biggest strategic blunder of his Presidency and there wasn't even a war going on. Assuming the Dems know Dem history, why do they think leading with that now is a good idea? Down the road? Sure. But for God's sake, don't lead with it.

I think the Republican's would love to have another election right now. Like today. I also think that the Dems would lose the House and Senate all over again. My bet is that there's a complete reversal of humor in Washington. Before the election, the Dem's huddled around and giggled as the GOP fell apart. Now, I can see the Republican's huddled around giggling as the Dem's fall apart.

PS. Here's my new analogy for the two parties. The Dems are like your zany Uncle Albert. Fun and wacky, always entertaining, thinks his "ideas" are great, but even the kids roll their eyes, always saying, "Ok, I got it this time", never does, but he's ultimately harmless. The GOP is like your crazy Uncle Theo. Thinks everyone's out to get him, talks real loud, yells at the TV, bumps into everyone at the buffet line, and Mom keeps him away from the knives. But Mom also calls him when "theres a little problem." Sometimes it's fixed, sometimes it's worse, but what the hell, he's family, and you know you can't turn to Albert.

1 comment:

pkd said...

A new slogan for the Republican party: "What the hell--you know you can't trust the other guys." Except this time the Democrats used it.