Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Cowboys coach slams Bush's Iraq policy

Dallas Cowboys head coach Bill "Tuna" Parcells slammed President Bush's Iraq war strategy yesterday while discussing the release of the NFL's all-time most accurate, and one of the highest paid, kicker and signing Martin "Automatica" Gramatica.

"Obviously, I feel better than having stayed the course the other way,"
BAM! Right there, a direct blast, an obvious repudiation of the President's "Stay the Course" strategy. Just a vicious broadside against an already battered President. Bill Parcell's, liberal. You heard it here first.

America's team v. America's President only on the Hydrablog!

1 comment:

Muscles for Justice said...

There's a lot of sectarian violence taking place, fomented, in my opinion, because of these attacks by Mike Vanderjagt.