Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election day quick hits

One, surprise! Kerry did his best to lose this election too. From the dems side, at least this effectively sidelined one of the worst politicians going down the stretch, and two, hopefully this will put the final nail in his idea (threat?) to run again in 2008.

I think the Dems will pull it out and take at least either the House or Senate. What's interesting is that compared to the GOP takeover in 1994, this was a really pathetic campaign. Yes the GOP took advantage of scandals and unhappiness with Clinton to ride a wave to victory, but they also put out the Contract with America. While I wasn't a fan, at least they created something that was a reason to vote for them, they didn't just sit there and hope the dems would self-destruct badly enough to hand it to them. So while I think they'll get one, or both chambers, I don't see them holding either for long. There was no sense of mission, and without a mission it's hard to keep going. The GOP won't self-destruct forever (I think), so at some point the Dems are going to have to do something. That's when the wheels will fall off. My advice to them is to not get too cozy in their new seats.

If I'm wrong and the GOP holds on, then the Democratic Party is officially on "Death Watch." It's the end. Which is why its so weird that there was no sense of urgency coming from them. This is the most important election I can remember them facing and until the last day it was still, "I hope the GOP falls apart enough for us to win."

Election wrap-up tomorrow. Mark you calendars.

PS. Having re-read the Contract with America for this post, all I can say is "wow." This contract wasn't worth the paper it was printed on. Seriously, hit that link and read and wonder, "Hey, whatever happened to that"

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