Sunday, February 18, 2007

The NBGay?

Also tempted to go with, "The NBA, I love this gaym!"

Anyway, the most recent entry for the "Is This Really News" is a twofer.

One, Former NBA center John Amaechi is gay. What? Homosexuals play sports? Someone alert the media! Oh, someone already did.

Two, the newsworthy (?) reaction. Former NBA Point Guard Tim Hardaway said,

You know, I hate gay people, so I let it be known. I don't like gay people and I don't like to be around gay people. I am homophobic. I don't like it. It shouldn't be in the world or in the United States.
Wait, some people don't like gays? Quick someone alert the media! Oh, someone already did. Seriously, with the thousands of players who have played the game, one guy says something, something real and honest by the way, and it gets treated like it means anything. And of course Hardaway's real reaction comes complete with a fake apology.
"As an African-American, I know all too well the negative thoughts and feelings hatred and bigotry cause," Hardaway said Thursday in a statement issued by his agent. "I regret and apologize for the statements that I made that have certainly caused the same kinds of feelings and reactions. I especially apologize to my fans, friends and family in Miami and Chicago. I am committed to examining my feelings and will recognize, appreciate and respect the differences among people in our society. I regret any embarrassment I have caused the league on the eve of one of their greatest annual events."
I'm sure Mr Hardaway stayed up all night, reaching deep into his feelings, to craft that apology. However, I do have to say that when I first read his apology, I thought he was leaping out of the frying pan into the fire with his "As an African-American" intro, given how the AA community is chafing at comparing their struggle with gay rights. But so far so good. Also, no one seems to be wading into the fact that Mr Hardaway's comments are even less "shocking" given that he is African-American, a group that is statistically less tolerant of homosexuality than the rest of America (which, by the way, explains much of the gay baiting that the GOP's did during the last election cycle, it was an attempt, in part, to split the AA community away from the Dems - but I digress). Nor has their been any discussion about the fact that some people actually feel this way.

None of this is news. Seriously, you could see this whole thing coming, action/reactions style from a mile away. Granted, ESPN treated it like their own private Anna Nicole story, endless coverage, debate among talking heads, "breaking news," etc, but to me, that's even more proof that none of this is remotely "newsworthy."

I'll wrap all of this up by noting that clearly the best way to handle intolerance is to be intolerant. NBA Commissioner David Stern banned Mr Hardaway from all NBA related events during the All-Star break. Says Mr Stern,
"It is inappropriate for him to be representing us given the disparity between his views and ours."
I guess the league can't make former players attend "sensitivity classes." Side bet alert. Look for Mr Hardaway to do something like that to get back into the NBA's good graces, especially as his Hall of Fame votes start coming around.

Actually, I'm going to put on a follow up wrapper, a bonus pack if you will. Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban has the correct perspective. Coming out after you retire isn't a big deal. The real trailblazer will be the man who comes out while he's still playing.

See, that would be news.

1 comment:

Muscles for Justice said...

Him Hardongays